In this workshop you will gain insights of how to plan and design good and contemporary courses in higher education.
In this workshop you will gain insights of how to plan and design good and contemporary courses in higher education. You will have the opportunity to design a course that you have chosen yourself, taking into account specific criteria of good teaching that have been presented and discussed throughout the workshop.
Für Teilnehmende des Zertifikats werden 10 AE angerechnet.
- key issues of teaching and learning
- competence-orientation in higher education
- learning outcomes
- logic of learning processes (reduction and sequencing of content)
- student-centered methods and activities
- defining subject-specific learning outcomes
- analysing and structuring subject-specific teaching contents
- designing student-centered, competence-oriented learning scenarios
- developing a critical mindset regarding one's own teaching practice
Alle in der Lehre Beschäftigten
max. 15
- Susanne Gnädig
- Christopher Musick
01.03.2018, 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr und
02.03.2018, 9:00-18:00 Uhr
ZHB 111
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Die hochschuldidaktischen Angebote finden im Rahmen des Projekts „MeQS – Mehr StudienQualität durch Synergie“ statt und werden durch das BMBF finanziert. Die Veranstaltungen stehen allen Lehrenden der Verbundhochschulen Fachhochschule Kiel und Europa-Universität Flensburg offen.